Weekday Services in Lent

Weekday Services in Lent

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5th

Noon - Litany with Distribution of Ashes (English)

7 pm - Holy Mass with Distribution of Ashes (English)

8 pm - Środa Popielcowa - Msza Święta (Holy Mass in Polish)

Stations of the Cross

(in English)

Wednesdays at Noon

(with Fellowship)

March 12, March 26, April 9

Fridays at 7 pm

(Soup and Salad Supper at 6 pm)

March 14, March 21, March 28,

April 4, April 11

Droga Krzyżowa 

(Stations of the Cross in Polish)

Friday, April 11th at 8 pm

Bitter Lamentations

(in English)

Wednesdays at Noon

(with Fellowship)

March 19, April 2

Gorzkie Żale 

(Bitter Lamentations in Polish)

Wednesday, April 2 at 7 pm

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